Tag Archives: WordPress.com

10 Things You May Not Know About Me

15 Dec
Wordpress Freshly Pressed

My Unexpected Landing on the Freshly Pressed Page

It’s been a whorl wind day for this non-blogger for sure – I’m such a newbie, I didn’t even know what being Freshly Pressed meant! I want to express my sincere gratitude to the WordPress  folks for their kind and generous nod that significantly helped introduce me to many new friends.

Everyone’s comments were all so thoughtful; and I am reminded that I am not alone.  And knowing that we are not alone is really the most powerful part of community. (View Freshly Pressed Post – 5 Sneaky Productivity Lies)

I’m doing my best to reply to all the comments and visit your sites, and I hope you’ll be patient because it will probably take a little while 😉

Since many of us haven’t been formally introduced, I thought I would tell you 10 things about me that you probably don’t know. Continue reading